Posts Tagged ‘Mashable’

Blog08: blogging, vlogging and rock stars

Saturday, October 25th, 2008

Even though blogging has been around for quite some time, it was the first time that Amsterdam played host to a conference dedicated to blogging, Blog08. An initiative of two enthusiastic Dutch youngsters, it  was mainly an inspirational event, disguised as a kind of rock show. Although there was a live band, the ultimate rock star was “bad mother vlogger” GabeMac who closed the conference with a rocking vlog performance. The audience joined him in singing “we will, we will vlog you!” But the major theme of this conference was being passionate about blogging, which also applies to people who are in it for the money.


Blogging is Rock ‘n’ Roll

Saturday, October 4th, 2008

Gisteren even koffie gedronken met twee ‘upcoming rock stars of the web’: Ernst-Jan Pfauth en Edial Dekker, de jeugdige organisatoren van Blog ’08. Dit eendaagse blogcongres vindt over drie weken plaats in Pakhuis De Zwijger. Het enthousiasme van Ernst-Jan en Edial is aanstekelijk. Hun benadering is verfrissend: “Blogging is Rock ‘n’ Roll!”
